Let's get one thing straight

Friday, September 14, 2007

I do not know how to begin blogs.

It's surprising, actually, since in the last ten years I must have started at least 25 of them. Okay, maybe 25 is an exaggeration, but it's likely the number is in the double digits by now. The only one that garnered me any sort of net.fame was back when blogging was (gasp!) rare and that blog is now defunct. You can't see it, no matter how much you bribe this man. But that's not the point. The point is that I have been blogging for so long that I should know better.

So why now? Why the resurfacing? Well, for one thing this year I will turn thirty two. Thirty Two.

Once upon a time when I was in grad school and dreaming of a career as a starving (yet published) writer, someone told me that everything happens for you at thirty two. He was thirty two and had just published his first book. He was also incredibly good looking and I may have been hanging on to his every word as if it was my lifeblood, but I digress.

That writer is now ensconced in his late thirties, has two books behind him, and probably forgot all about his "everything happens at thirty two" theory. I, on the other hand, am sitting in a cube in corporate America with a novel and short story collection in the drawer and looking at the days ahead with trepidation because I will turn thirty two in forty four days.

Let me put you out of your suspense. Nothing will be happening for me when I'm thirty two. My novel is nowhere near publication, my short stories need major overhauls and my new writing comes in only fits and starts. But if nothing else, the impending birthday inspired me to kick myself into gear. I may not get published during my thirty-second year, but dammit, I'm going to document every minute of it.

So welcome. Grab a chair, a news reader, and maybe some knitting needles. See you on down the road.